Embracing Belonging - A recognition of PRIDE month

In the heart of every educational institution lies a powerful theme that guides its mission and shapes the experiences of its students, educators, and families. This year we embraced the theme of “Belonging” which is a key pillar of our 5-year Strategic Plan. Supporting our priority to exemplify an inclusive community, our DEIB Faculty Committee will be hosting a school-wide assembly recognizing PRIDE month.

The assembly will be held Monday, June 10th at 2:00 pm with the following schedule:
2:00-2:10 p.m. Introduction with Coach McCoy and Allies
2:10-2:20 p.m. Kinder Song and Message
2:20-2:25 p.m. 1st-grade Messages
2:30-2:40 p.m. Trivia Time
4:40-2:45 p.m. Poem – Read by a Middle School Student
2:45-2:52 p.m. PRIDE DANCE-OFF! 
We remain committed to creating an inclusive community – one that embraces diversity, encourages open dialogue, respects differences, and values each unique individual. As the academic year closes, we thank you for being part of the Barnesville family!

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Barnesville School

21830 Peach Tree Road
PO Box 404
Barnesville, MD 20838
p: 301.972.0341