Family Handbook: Tutoring & Private Lessons

Some faculty members provide tutoring and/or private lessons (e.g. instrumental, voice, art, sports, etc.) to students. In all such cases, parent/guardian(s) must avoid any potential conflict of interest. Under most conditions, it is inappropriate for a teacher to charge his/ her students for services during the school day. The Head of School or Assistant Head of School must approve exceptions to this policy. Under no circumstances will a School employee serve as a paid tutor or private lesson provider during normal working hours, or when she/he is scheduled to complete assigned duties. Unless approved by the Head of School, teachers may not offer such services during scheduled faculty meeting times (ex. Tuesday after school meetings) or during curriculum mapping times. Staff may not offer private childcare for a Barnesville student.

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Barnesville School

21830 Peach Tree Road
PO Box 404
Barnesville, MD 20838
p: 301.972.0341